Picturing Scotland: The Lothians
(North Berwick Jacket)

Content: A photographic tour of The Lothians that reveals a surprisingly wide array of places of interest. There are few parts of Scotland where one finds such a varied collection of fascinating destinations, from sites of Neolithic ritual activity to the chance to board a supersonic airliner. Castles such as Blackness, Crichton and Dirleton line up with stately homes like Lennoxlove and Hopetoun. The landscapes of the Pentland and Lammermuir Hills form a backdrop to the region, while the coastal strip also contains much to see. Illustrated with over 80 colour photographs, most of which have been taken especially for this book.

This book is also available with a jacket showing the Forth Bridges. Click here to view.

For a list of featured locations, see below.

Price: £ 4.99 plus shipping
Nungate Bridge, Haddington Bo'ness and Kinneil railway

Market: Books in this series are bought by visitors and locals alike to give as gifts or to keep for their own enjoyment. They are also helpful to those planning a visit as the book leads the reader on a geographical tour of the area. To visitors, they are a great reminder of a visit, while local people buy them to send to friends and family to show off where they live.

Linlithgow Palace and Loch

Author: Colin Nutt has worked in book publishing for over 30 years and has written and compiled around 40 books in this and other series. He lives in Elgin.

Photography: Colin Nutt and other contributing photographers

Picturing Scotland:
The Lothians
(North Berwick Jacket)

Jacket of Picturing Scotland: The Lothians (North Berwick Jacket)

Extent: 80 pages
Binding: Hardback
ISBN: 978-1-906549-13-8 (North Berwick)
Price: £ 4.99 plus shipping

Featured Locations:
East Lothian:
Bass Rock
Dirleton Castle
Dunbar Town House
Dunglass Collegiate Church
East Linton
Girl and Swan Statue, Dunbar
Glenkinchie Distillery
Hailes Castle
Inveresk Garden
John Muir's Birthplace, Dunbar
Lady Kitty's Doocot, Haddington
Lammermuir Hills
Lennoxlove House
Mercat Cross, Gifford
National Museum of Flight, East Fortune
North Berwick
North Berwick Harbour
North Berwick Law
Nungate Bridge, Haddington
Preston Watermill
Prestongrange Museum
River Tyne
Samson Statue, Court Street, Haddington
Seton Collegiate Church
St Mary's Church, Haddington
Statue of John Muir, Dunbar
Tantallon Castle
Whiteadder Reservoir
Yester Parish Church, Gifford

Arniston House
Borthwick Castle
Crichton Castle
Dalhousie Castle
Glencorse Reservoir
Magnus Macintosh Memorial, St Nicholas Church, Dalkeith
Newbattle Abbey, Dalkeith
Pentland Hills
Roslin Village
Rosslyn Chapel Apprentice Pillar
Rosslyn Chapel Greenman
Scottish Mining Museum, Newtongrange
St Nicholas' Church, Dalkeith

West Lothian:
Blackness Castle
Bo'ness & Kinneil Railway
Cairnpapple Hill
Canal Museum and Tearoom, Linlithgow
Dalmeny House
Forth Rail Bridge
Forth Road Bridge
Hopetoun House
House of the Binns
Kinneil House
Linlithgow Basin
Linlithgow Loch
Linlithgow Palace
750th Anniversary Window, St Michael's Church, Linlithgow
Malleny Garden, Balerno
South Queensferry
St Michael's Church, Linlithgow
The Cross Well, Linlithgow
Torphichen Preceptory
Union Canal

Colin Nutt, Ness Publishing, 47 Academy Street, Elgin, Moray, IV30 1LR
Tel: 01343 549663, Mob: 07962 014871, Email: info@nesspublishing.co.uk

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