On a Rising Tide, by Charlie Philips
Winner of Favourite Scottish Nature Photography Book Award

Jacket of On a Rising Tide

Foreword by Simon King, OBE

Bottlenose dolphins as you've never seen them before!

A photographic study by the man who knows them best, accompanied by his insights into the lives of these amazing creatures.

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Author: Charlie Phillips works for Whale and Dolphin Conservation (WDC) where his main task is to maintain an exhaustive photographic record of Bottlenose dolphins in the Moray Firth, concentrating on 6 individuals in particular who are the stars of the 'Adopt a Dolphin' scheme. Over the years he has taken hundreds of thousands of pictures of them and these images play a crucial part in monitoring the condition of this population and adding to our understanding of their lives and behaviour. No-one is better placed to produce a book such as this.

Content: Almost 100 of Charlie's finest images illustrate Bottlenose dolphins engaged in virtually all aspects of their lives and activities. The pictures are accompanied by Charlie's accounts and recollections of his adventures in recording the ups and downs of this relatively stable but always threatened population. Along with the many charming anecdotes of the joys of dolphin watching, the book also draws attention to the challenges and dangers they face.

Market: All who are fascinated by dolphins. In the Moray Firth area this will include locals who know them well and visitors who come many miles to see them. Further afield, the book will appeal to all who love whales and dolphins, irrespective of where they live. It will provide encouragement to come and see for themselves to those able to make the journey and an "armchair traveller's" guide for those who can't.

On a Rising Tide

Jacket of On a Rising Tide

Extent: 112 pages
Binding: Jacketed hardback
ISBN: 978-1-906549-90-9
Price: £ 20.00 plus shipping

Colin Nutt, Ness Publishing, 47 Academy Street, Elgin, Moray, IV30 1LR
Tel: 01343 549663, Mob: 07962 014871, Email: info@nesspublishing.co.uk

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