Picturing Scotland: Highland Perthshire

Content: Perthshire (or Perth & Kinross as it is officially known these days) is a substantial part of central Scotland, so it now fills two books in this series, the other being Picturing Scotland: The City of Perth. This companion volume picks up where The City of Perth ends and explores the upland areas to the west and north. Highland Perthshire covers three great straths which run roughly east to west: Strath Earn, the most southerly, Strath Tay, where Ben Lawers, Scotland's tenth-highest peak, towers over the expanse of Loch Tay and the northernmost, Strath Tummel, which extends right up to Loch Rannoch. It is known as 'Big Tree Country', being home to record-breaking examples such as the sole survivor from Shakespeare’s 'Birnam Wood' and the oldest living thing in Europe, if not the planet! It contains over 100 pictures.

For a list of featured locations, see below.

Price: £ 4.99 plus shipping

Market: Books in this series are bought by visitors and locals alike to give as gifts or to keep for their own enjoyment. They are also helpful to those planning a visit as the book leads the reader on a geographical tour of the area. To visitors, they are a great reminder of a visit, while local people buy them to send to friends and family to show off where they live.

Author: Colin Nutt has worked in book publishing for over 30 years and has written/compiled more than 40 books in this and other series. He lives in Elgin.

Photography: Colin and Eithne Nutt with additional contributors.

Picturing Scotland:
Highland Perthshire

Jacket of Picturing Scotland: Highland Perthshire

Extent: 112 pages
Binding: Hardback
ISBN: 978-1-78818-004-7
Price: £ 4.99 plus shipping

Featured Locations:
Aberfeldy Distillery
Atholl Highlanders
Atholl Memorial Fountain
Beatrix Potter Garden
Birks Cinema
Birks of Aberfeldy
Birnam Oak
Blair Athol Distillery
Croft Moraig Stone Circle
Dunkeld Cathedral
Edradour Distillery
Falls of Bruar
Falls of Moness
Fortingall Yew
Glen Lyon
Glen Shee
Glen Tilt
Glenturret Distillery
Kinloch Rannoch
Pitlochry Festival Theatre
Rannoch Moor
Rannoch Station
River Tay
Scottish Crannog Centre
Sma' Glen
Soldier's Leap, Killiecrankie
St Fillans
Strath Ardle
The Hermitage

Blair Castle
Castle Menzies
Drummond Castle

Loch Earn
Loch Tay
Loch Rannoch
Loch of the Lowes
Loch Fascally
Queen's View, Loch Tummel

Ben Vorlich
An Stuc
Meall Garbh
Ben Vrackie
Beinn a Ghlo
Ben Lawers

Colin Nutt, Ness Publishing, 47 Academy Street, Elgin, Moray, IV30 1LR
Tel: 01343 549663, Mob: 07962 014871, Email: info@nesspublishing.co.uk

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